Thursday, January 22, 2015


I started this morning with a lazy feeling. Really do not want to do anything, particularly revising my thesis report. I forced my self to go to my workstation where everyone else in the room was busy in front of their own computer. I sat and started feeling stress. Knowing that I was not in the mood to revise my report, but still forcing myself to do it. It was useless... I just felt warm in my face and my head started aching.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Dream, new target

I have to write it down.
I remember long time ago I always said that I want to go a broad. And because I know I couldn't afford it by myself (with my low paid job) I set the goal to get a scholarship, of course in another country. So that was my first time to went abroad. With scholarship. To Australia.

Back from Australia, I set another dream to go to Europe. Since I still stuck in the same low paid job (that will be forever low paid unless I committed corruption, or I become the head office 20 years later or never after), I try another scholarship to Europe. I got it..! And with a bonus of getting rid my old job. For some people who do not understand the situation in Indonesia and the "prestigious" job working for the government, it seems ridiculous that I had difficulties of getting rid of my old low paid job. But many in the same situation with me would understand and some will ridicule me for my decision. I know better what's good for me. So for people in the later group, please keep your opinion for yourself.

Now I almost finish with my study in Europe and I have to set another target. I had this dream that I will get married and be a stay at home mum. None of my friends see it as a promising future and (sadly) nor my significant one, not to mention my family. Hence I have to set my new target, I definitely like to travel but as I realized and wrote in my previous post that it was not the thing I want to achieve. So I just came up with a new target... working in the UN bodies in ROME! Why Rome? I don't know.. I just want to. Just like my previous targets going abroad and Europe.. why should I..? No realistic reason.. just human neediness for something that I think looks cool.

Or.. probably with that job I could afford to travel around the world as a break from life routine, not as the goal of life itself.

So wish me luck..!!

Friday, January 09, 2015

The weaknesses...

It seems that during my study in Wageningen I learned a lot not only on the scientific senses but also on my personality. I found out many of my weaknesses that portentially make me worse off in performing a task. First, about my self-confident, then it trails along to my passion, my ability to write, the inpatient of explaining something, the lack of curiosity and many more that I did not even bother to acknowledge before.

It surfaces because I have to revised my draft report and the general comment was that other people that are not in the field won't be able to understand what I was talking about. I should have made a report that can be understood by readers that are not familiar with the topic. Secondly, I tend to jump into next topic out of nowhere and didn't have a logical flow. Something that I could work on if I have patient to explain things to a child - and something that I realised that I don't have a patient to-.

Sepertinya saya harus mengubah cara pandang saya. Selama ini saya selalu menganggap saya tidak punya passion di bidang ini tapi ketika ditanya dimana passion saya sebenarnya, saya pun tidak bisa menjawab nya. Travelling..? Benerkan disana passion saya..? Terus kenapa saya pun tak tertarik dengan ide stahun keliling dunia atau bekerja sebagai travel writer? Kenapa ketika sepuluh hari travelling saya selalu bahagia ketika waktunya pulang? Saya pikir travelling itu hanya menarik untuk a short break. Perjalanan yang akan membuat saya bersyukur dengan apa yang ada di "rumah". Perjalanan yang dibutuhkan untuk menyemangati kembali kehidupan "normal" saya danlebih menghargai kehidupan dan orang-orang disekitar kita. Perjalanan yang membuat kita lebih menghargai hidup.

Mungkin passion saya dibidang ini jika saya tak selalu berusaha menolak nya. Mungkin saya bisa mengubah cara pikir saya dan melihat dengan "curiosity" tinggi terhadap topik ini seperti keingintahuan saya mengenai tempat-tempat lain diluar sana. Mungkin sudah waktunya sekarang saya tidak hanya memandangnya sebagai kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan, tapi sebagai hal yang saya pelajari karena saya tertarik dan ingin mengetahui lebih mengenai nya.

Mungkin ini saat nya untuk berubah....

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

New Year...!

Happily had my 3 weeks holiday and return to my "working desk"doing all unimportant stuff. I still have not had feedback for my draft report but my daily supervisor said she has checked it and send it to my main supervisor for further comments. When I asked how was my report she just answer it with a short "good"'. So good it is.. I am less guilty of not doing anything on the report during the last 3 weeks.

I have to scrap one of my dream in previous post about having a trip to italy with him. We didn't manage it. We went to Brussel, Ghent and Paris instead. I realised he's not a travel freak like I do. If I was him, I would be very dissappointed that I didn't manage to visit some famous places that probably were in my list. But he content with things that we did. I figured, travelling with him was stress free (a bit), and no rush. If I was in my own pace then I will always in hurry to keep up with my list of must visited places. Doing his way was more relexing (that is the main idea of holiday). I think it was a good thing that we didnot manage to go to Italy. I have been to those places that we were visited, and I manage to visit places that interest me. If we went to italy probably I will in my stress mode, continously counting times in order to keep up with my list.

I don't have new year resolutions, never had one I think.... The dreams are still the same, I didn't set time to achieve it... I think a need another short time dreams to achieve. And trying to find what my passion is.. Scrap travelling, I can't afford to always get scolding for having "unproductive" passion.